

A hysteroscopy is a medical procedure that allows gynecologists to look inside the uterus and to visualize directly the uterine lining. A hysteroscope is a thin telescope that is inserted through the cervix into the uterus. In order to distend (expand) the uterus cavity for looking inside, it is necessary to fill it with liquid or gas (CO2). There are two types of hysteroscopy:

  • Diagnostic Hysteroscopy: it is used for diagnosing and treating some problems that cause infertility, miscarriages, pelvic pain, and abnormal menstrual bleedings. It can be performed with or without local anesthetic, in the consultation room or in hospital.
  • Surgical Hysteroscopy: It involves a surgical method such as biopsy or  removal of polyps, fibroids, adhesions and scar tissue in the uterus.