Protein Diet


The weight loss programme we use is a personalised programme for loosing weight based on three steps under medical supervision. The programme includes a weight loss stage based on protein diet. It achieves weight loss by reducing the intake of fats and sugar. The aim is to effectively and safely achieve a healthy target weight and mantain it. In other words, it is a diet action plan that offers both immediate results and long-term benefits, thanks to a dietary re-education.

 To start the programme, the doctor must determine, through a comprehensive and analytical history (weight, BMI, messures, pressure, blood test..) the patient’s metabolic status, dietary habits and daily exercise. Once the initial study is completed the target weight is established by the doctor and the patient.

 The benefits or advantages of this method amongst others are : safety, rapid weight and volume loss, the absence of hunger, overall feeling of well-being and the last but very important, you will regain your health because overweight can contribute to the development of illnesses ( high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, diabetes……)

 The programme includes physical exercises according to the age, pathologies, physical conditions and habits of the patient and a team of dietitians, phycological adviser, chef and personal trainer to provide long-term ongoing support during your time on the programme.